Sunday, August 03, 2008

when do you give up?????

When do you stop fighting a 3 year old on taking a nap. James fell asleep on the way home from church, about 5 mins he was asleep. It's been over an hour and he's still not asleep. I've tried reading, singing, and spanking. Yes I spanked him {gasp} Don't call CPS cuz I didn't beat him, I spanked his butt cuz he came out yelled at me said "you're not my friend ANYMORE" hit me and walked away. I kindly tried talking to him, and for me thats hard to do, as I don't have a good amount of patience. He looked at me and spit. That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. I spanked him and put him back in his bed and closed the door. He's still screaming, kicking the door, fighting me to no avail. I just don't know when I should say whatever I give up. I can't fight anymore. Although I know if I give in and let him stay up then that's what he'll do, and in technicality he'll win the fight. I don't like losing! lol.

~~~~It's been 15 mins since I started typing and I finally hear silence, not sure how long it's gonna last though. Keep your fingers crossed!!!

BTW thank you all for your kind words and love. I truly appreciate it. Life is hard. I'm not one of those women who can function without her husband. God forbid anything horrible happen to him, I'd be a ridiculous mess. I just want him home. I want to go out with the other mommies I know and just have my husband keep the kids. I want to have a home of OUR own. I'm tired of living with people, tired of having to share my space, tired of dealing with attitude from a 12 year old that has NO respect for her elders, not even her parents. That makes me nuts! Sometimes I wanna wash her mouth out with soap!

But I will survive. Sean always makes me feel better. Always comes up with the right words to say. A few days ago, when I was having an esp bad day and he was at work he sent me this text:
"Hi baby. I just wanted to tell ou that I love you and miss you. And thank you for all the things you do for our family. and thank you for loving me back and making me the happiest man ever." How can I not smile after that? Thanks babe. Love ya!

I'll be back later after I do some picture editing. I read Jenney's blog and I'm totally gonna steal her idea. Thanks again for reading. I love you girls!!



Unknown said...

I'm having the same problem with my twins. They're 2 now and because the sun is up later they don't go to sleep until after 9pm...which is late by my standards! I'll be leaving for the sandbox this month so I'm hoping my husband is able to handle our 3 children. I wish you continued strength girly! It's always harder for those that stay on the homefront.

Jen Sue Wild said...

Good luck with the nap time thing. My kids all gave up naps right befor they turned 3.
I still have your apron I was going to send it out eons ago but I saw alittle flaw and picked it out and have yet to sew it back up. I had it in the fabric box and Kinda forgot aboutit untill I came across it on saterday.
I will try to send it out this week.